I hope you all have a Happy New Year! To help you usher in the year on a high note, here are some pictures of Chris Meloni and Mariska Hargitay taken in December during the filming of Law & Order SVU, in Central Park.
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, here.
The Gawker reports that Chris Noth (Law & Order Criminal Intent) will be closing his jazzy restaurant and bar ‘The Cutting Room” which is in the Flatiron district.
The Gawker says, “Per a press release we received, the SNL afterparty venue closes January 13 with a performance by Joan Rivers. There's just no room in New York anymore for the pet venues of wealthy celebrities! From the release: “The Cutting Room is closing due to an untenable rent increase, with the building's landlord demanding more than double the current rent. It is only the latest New York intimate performance venue to close; in recent years, venues from Fez to CBGB have shuttered due to the hostile real estate market.”… Noth is going to try and open "later this year," according to the press release. Uh, well, there are only three days left. But real estate types in New York are pretty desperate right now, so you never know…”
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, here.
According to TMZ, S. Epatha Merkerson (Law & Order) is being sued by the Gersh Agency. She is accused of withholding the talent agency's 10 percent commission. The suit claims Merkerson earned $2,229,084 for "Law and Order" and that it had an "oral deal" for 10 percent of Merkerson's earnings.
Maybe I’ve been watching too much Law & Order, but I don’t put much faith in “oral deals.”
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, here.
I always thought that former presidential candidate, former senator, and former fictional Law & Order DA Fred Dalton Thompson had a face best suited for radio. Now he gets his chance to add “radio talk show host” to his resume when the 2-hour The Fred Thompson Show debuts on March 2, replacing "The Radio Factor With Bill O'Reilly."
His radio show will contain commentary on Fred’s conservative views on politics, plus topical issues with guest interviews and listener calls. The show will be broadcast from the Westwood One studios in Washington DC, and will air live from noon to 2 p.m. on weekdays. If it's anything like his presidential campaign, it will likely put listeners to sleep!
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, here.
Richard Belzer (Law & Order SVU) attended the premier and after party for the New York premiere of the Tom Cruise film "Valkyrie" at The Time Warner Center in New York City on December 15, 2008. Here’s a photo of “The Belz” at the event, along side actor Terrence Stamp. (By the way, I’ve heard the film is a dog – no offense intended to any dogs out there.)
Terrence Stamp and Richard Belzer
Getty Images
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, here.
Jeff Goldblum has been very busy lately, hitting the New York NBC talk and morning shows, and still having time to shop in California for the holidays.
Splash News captured a few photos of him shopping in at Barneys of NY, in Beverly Hills, CA and you’ll find some of those photos below.
Besides being on NBC's Late Night with Conan O’Brien on on December 17, he also appeared on The Today Show on December 18, helping out with their toy drive and talking about his film, “Adam Resurrected”. The video from that appearance is also below.
Hopefully, one day we will actually get to see him in his new role on Law & Order Criminal Intent!
Jeff Shops in California
Jeff On The Today Show
Video – Jeff Goldblum on The Today Show December 18
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, here.
A very happy birthday to Dick Wolf, big daddy of the Law & Order franchise, who turns 62 today. Let’s all let out a collective wolf howl in his honor to celebrate!
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, here.
As I mentioned here last October, Dann Florek (Law & Order SVU) was to speak at the Eastern Michigan University Winter Commencement ceremony, which was held on December 14, 2008. Dann attended EMU from 1969 to 1975 and is married to an EMU alum.
The web site Deadline Hollywood Daily published the following letter from Eric Bogosian (Law & Order Criminal Intent), which supports a strike by SAG members:
Dear Friends,
The New York Board of the Screen Actors Guild has released a statement of non-support for the upcoming strike authorization vote. I am writing to tell you that I was not part of the meeting in which this resolution was adopted, I did not vote for it and I object to it. Up to this point, I have kept quiet outside the boardroom. But since others think they have the right to speak for me, I must speak for myself.
I will support a “yes” vote for strike authorization. This is how I will vote and this is how I would recommend all membership to vote.
Is this the right time for a strike authorization? Yes. It is our only move. The contract is terrible. If you don’t believe me, go online and read about it yourself. [The AMPTP's contract itself is at: http://amptp.org/files/AMPTP_SAG_final_offer_063008.pdf this link. ] Visit SAG homepage for this info.
The complicating factors are the current economy and the unknown efficacy of a strike authorization. Each person must vote his or her best insight and conscience. I am voting mine.
Make no mistake, there is no better contract three years down the line. Sooner or later, you have to stand up and be counted. And sooner is always better than later.
Perhaps you don’t care about what you get paid or residuals or French hours or any of that. All you want is a job on any terms. OK, but if you like health care, pensions, a safe working environment please acknowledge the fact that all of these things were achieved through union collective bargaining. In the past, membership stood up for what we have now. The essence of being in a union is collective bargaining.
If you are voting “no” for strike authorization because you think that our current board of directors are strike mongerers or hot-heads, please think again because you are simply THINKING WHAT THE AMPTP WANTS YOU TO THINK. We are asking for a straightforward negotiation on straightforward points. We must negotiate these now, or suck lemons until we can. And when will that be? Three years from now? Please note that AMPTP never makes a better deal until they have to. Caving in now will only encourage them toward further union-busting tactics. For ALL the unions.
And with that in mind, be aware that our union is the largest with the most money to be distributed via residuals. We are the prize for the AMPTP. Likewise, as we cave, so will they continue to pressure our sister unions to wilt under pressure.
We have every right to negotiate our own contract. Yes, our leadership is stubborn and brassy. So what? Who do you want representing you? The producer’s friends?
After the last election the national board includes members who are very critical of our leadership. As a result, the board represents a balanced view regarding any potential strike. If you can trust anyone to make a balanced judgement, this is the time. But leadership must have strike authorization to get the AMPTP back to the table.
Two last thoughts.
Firstly, we are a union, we are a voting membership. The producers are a commercial entity. The people with whom we negotiate are hired guns. They can be replaced if they don’t do their job. And up to now they haven’t done a very good job finishing this contract and their bosses know it. There are major motion pictures waiting to start shooting. They cannot proceed until there is a contract (and no possibility whatsoever of a strike). AMPTP is threatening us with a punitive situation. But the sword cuts both ways. This is our strength.
Secondly, the Internet is going to be vastly profitable to the AMPTP on a scale never before seen. The costs of doing business will go way down. The middle-men in foreign markets will disappear (you don’t need a distributor when you do down-loads and streaming). And the “units” will be exactly accountable. The advertisers will know exactly how many viewers will watch the TV shows and movies downloaded or streamed. And if we do this right, so will we. Our contracts have established that we should receive a percentage of revenue as “residuals”, why are we giving that up now?
I am truly sorry that the New York Board has chosen to fight the leadership for most of this year. They have done nothing to make a difficult situation easier. I’m all for debate, but in the boardroom, not in public. We elected our officials, let’s let them do their job.
Since I am not a member of SAG I can’t really comment on the soundness of Eric’s letter and my publication of his comments should not imply that I endorse them or oppose them. I am concerned, however, that NBC’s shift away from dramas in the 10:00 PM prime time hour next fall will mean less jobs for union actors for television, and possibly over time, other networks will continue with more reality and other programming that also doesn’t require union actors. And, with the country in a serious recession at this time, and with deflation looming, TV watchers may not take kindly to a strike by actors, seeing that the recent strike by screenwriters turned program schedules upside down. My only advice to SAG is to proceed with caution and be careful not to cut off their collective noses to spite their faces.
By the way, Alicia Witt, who also was on Law & Order Criminal Intent, has a video below where she adds her own two cents to the matter:
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, here.
Angie Harmon (Law & Order) and her husband Jason Sehorn welcomed a new addition to their family on Thursday. According to People Magazine, their new baby girl’s name is Emery Hope Sehorn, and she joins her sisters Faith and Avery Grace.
Congratulations to Angie and Jason!
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, here.
Last night (December 17), Jeff Goldblum (Law & Order Criminal Intent) appeared on Late Night with Conan O’Brien, and he was quite charming and entertaining. He talked about his teeth (he’s never had a cavity or a filling), the time he lost his virginity (which also happened to be the same time that he first tasted brie) and his film, Adam Resurrected. An eclectic combination of topics from Jeff, but really, what else did you expect?
It looks like there is something in the water again on the set of Law & Order Criminal Intent. Super-scooper Michael Ausiello of Entertainment Weekly is reporting that Julianne Nicholson is pregnant.
Ausiello goes on to say:
A CI spokesperson confirms to me exclusively that Julianne Nicholson is pregnant, and producers may incorporate her "condition" into the show. "At this point, there is no definitive plan," says the rep. "The writers are weighing various options."
Should they decide to let art imitate life for Nicholson's Det. Wheeler, it won't be too difficult to figure out who the daddy is; in last August's season finale, we learned that Wheeler has a fiancé (played by the actress' real-life hubby, British actor Jonathan Cake). We also subsequently learned that the FBI is after him for fraud, money laundering and racketeering, so adding a baby to the equation would certainly make things interesting.
A likelier scenario (it would seem) is that the powers that be will follow the template established by sister show SVU when its star, Mariska Hargitay, announced that she was expecting three years ago. In other words, they'd shoot around her protruding tummy, then use her maternity leave as an opportunity to stunt cast.
Of course, there's no telling when any of this will play out on screen since USA Network has yet to announce a CI premiere date. Like last season, the show -- which is midway through shooting its 16-episode eighth season -- will have its first run on the cable net, followed by a second run on NBC.
My only hope is that they don’t take the “ignore the pregnancy” route and then do stunt casting because it seems such a rarity in the Dick Wolf Law & Order Universe that women actually (gasp) get pregnant and have babies. Kathryn Erbe and her real pregnancy seemed to be the only lucky woman to have her pregnancy written into the show, as far as I can recall.
Congratulations to Julianne and Jonathan!
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, here.
Chris Noth (Law & Order Criminal Intent) was spotted yesterday while shopping with his family Tara Wilson and son Orion in LA on Sunday. He seems mesmerized by the sippy cup, doesn’t he? I guess that's what life in LA will do to a person. Enjoy the pictures!
Please note: I am sorry, but the photos are no longer available.
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, here.
Elisabeth Rohm (Law & Order) will guest star on the Tuesday, December 16 episode of the CBS show, ‘The Mentalist.” The episode is titled “Red Brick and Ivy” and will air at 9:00 PM ET. Here’s a video clip preview of the show with Elisabeth.
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, here.
Vincent D’Onofrio (Law & Order Criminal Intent) helped to open the Rib City Grill in American Fork, Utah, as part of a fundraiser for Cops and Kids Sharing Christmas Charity on Thursday, Dec. 11, 2008. His sister is Rib City Grill owner Toni Jorgensen. Vincent told the Daily Herald, "We are very in sync with the police in New York…They help us out with a lot of things. I feel the same way anybody on the right side of the law feels about the police. They take the time and do these things for kids. It is an amazing thing. We should help them out."
What a nice guy to help out his sister AND help law enforcement AND get some ribs in the process!
Below are some pics and a video clip of the event from The Daily Herald.
I know there are a ton of Sam Waterston (Law & Order) fans that read this blog, so I would be remiss if I didn’t give you all a heads up that the Sam Waterston comedy/western film “Rancho Deluxe” is going to be on MGM HD tonight and on December 20th, 2008.
Sam plays Cecil Colson, a Native American “half-breed” trying to find his own path in life away from his father. Along with Jeff Bridges who plays Jack McKee, they are two drifters who make a living by rustling cattle from other people’s herds. It is R rated, so we can only guess what Sam/Cecil is really going to be rustling (wink).
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, here.
Mariska Hargitay, who plays Detective Olivia Benson on NBC’s Law & Order SVU, was nominated today for a Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Television Drama. She will be competing against January Jones of AMC’s “Mad Men”, Sally Field of ABC's "Brothers and Sisters," Anna Paquin of HBO's "True Blood," and Kyra Sedgwick of TNT's "The Closer."
Congratulations and best of luck to Mariska!
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, here.
On December 2, Sam Waterston (Law & Order) and his lovely wife Lynn attended the The MacDowell Colony annual National Benefit, “ MacDowell Shines!” in New York City on the 52nd floor of the brand new 7 World Trade Center building. Jane Alexander was the honoree.
The MacDowell Colony , which was founded in 1907, is the country’s oldest artist’s colony.
Sam Waterston (Law & Order) talked with NPR today about his career with Law & Order and his character Jack McCoy. Right off the bat, he was asked about the news today about Jay Leno taking over Law & Order’s current time slot , and he sounded like he really doesn’t know what will be the resulting fate of Law & Order. He also talked about being a snob about TV before he did "I'll Fly Away" and quite a few other tidbits.
B.D. Wong spoke with WOODTV.com in Grand Rapids, MI about Law & Order SVU, diversity, Sesame Street, and also about the possible upcoming SAG strike. B.D. was in Grand Rapids on December 2 for a talk on diversity.
You can also view some of the diversity discussion here on this 27-minute video:
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, here.
The Ford Theatre Society has released the schedule for the Ford’s Theatre Living Lincoln Series which will open February 16. The series is part of the grand reopening for Ford's Theatre in Washington DC, which reopens in February after being closed 18-months while undergoing renovations.
The first performance will be “Lincoln Seen and Heard” which is a “words and images” show covering Abraham Lincoln from his days in Congress through the American Civil War. This program is scheduled to feature Sam Waterston (Law & Order) and Harold Holzer. As many fans of Sam Waterston already know, Sam has voiced and acted in roles as Lincoln many times.
Starting December 8, free tickets will be available, and can be reserved at Fords.org
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, here.
Vincent D’Onofrio (Law & Order Criminal Intent), along with wife Carin Van Der Donk, made an appearance at the opening of “Liza at the Palace” at Broadway’s Palace Theatre (Broadway & 47th Street) on December 3. Here are some pictures for all the Vincent fans out there!
Please note:I am sorry, but the photos are no longer available.
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, here.
Milena Govich (Law & Order) attended the December 2nd opening ot the new flagship store for Victoria’s Secret on Lexington Avenue in New York City. Enjoy the photos!
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, here.
Jeff Goldblum (Law & Order Criminal Intent) was in attendance for the 18th Annual Gotham Independent Film Awards, which were held on December 2 at The Museum Of Finance in New York City.
Here are a few pictures of Jeff, in his full Goldbluminess, on the Red Carpet at the event.
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, here.
Courtney B. Vance (who was greatly underused on Law & Order Criminal Intent) has been cast for a pilot for a new ABC show, “Flash Forward.” Here’s the story from The Hollywood Reporter:
Courtney B. Vance and Jack Davenport are the first actors cast in ABC's hot drama pilot "Flash Forward," which is rumored as a potential companion to "Lost."
"Flash Forward," from David S. Goyer, Brannon Braga and ABC Studios, is based on Robert J. Sawyer's sci-fi novel and chronicles the chaos that ensues after everyone in the world blacks out for 2 minutes and 17 seconds and has a mysterious vision of the future that changes lives forever.
Vance will play Stan Wedeck, the Los Angeles bureau chief of the FBI.
Davenport will play Lloyd Simcoe, who is trapped in Northern California when the event occurs and struggles to reach his son in a Southland hospital.
"Flash Forward," which has a pilot order with a series penalty behind it, will be directed by Goyer. He is executive producing with Braga, Jessika Borsiczky Goyer, Vince Gerardis and Ralph M. Vicinanza.
For six seasons, Vance played assistant district attorney Ron Carver on NBC's "Law & Order: Criminal Intent." Vance and his wife, actress Angela Bassett, also are shepherding several projects through their Bassett/Vance Prods., including "Erasure," a feature adaptation of Percival Everett's novel penned by Dwayne Johnson-Cochran.
He is repped by Lighthouse Entertainment and attorney Darrell Miller.
British native Davenport, who played Norrington in the three "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies, most recently starred on CBS' period drama "Swingtown." The actor, who next appears in the feature "The Boat That Rocked," is repped by CAA, Sanders Armstrong Management and his U.K. agent, Christian Hodell.
Check out my blog home page for the latest information, here.